No PROMISES – Singing My Lines

Frustrated by being overlooked in the music industry for years, Janine was compelled to write Singing My Lines.

“Dear Australian Music Industry
What do I have to do to break through and be heard?
Why does commercial radio constantly ignore new Australian talent?
Am I….too old? Too Assertive? Not pretty enough? Do I not fit your mould?
Did I not pay for plays?
Good music does not have an expiration date and neither should women in this Industry.
Just listen.

Right now I’m in my prime. I’ve never sung better or written better.
And I’ll keep releasing great songs until you have no choice but to listen.
Just listen.

Check out my previous releases with my amazing music partner Eric Collier.
Then ask yourself why our music isn’t all over the radio already.
Song writing and performing is not a choice for me; it’s ingrained in my soul. The melody flows within me, deeper than you’d ever believe.
Songs hit me in the middle of the night, when I wake up, in the shower, while I’m driving, even in the middle of gigging.
I can’t ignore them and I won’t.
I’ll keep churning them out whether you listen or not.
I’m not going away because I have something to say.
We have so many amazing artists here in Australia but the industry isn’t listening.
Thank God for community radio, the Aussie Muso’s champion.
To everyone else, play more NEW Australian content It’s time. It’s my time.”

Sincerely yours,

Janine Garvey

No PROMISES are a dynamic Alt Country duo from South Gippsland, in country Victoria. Masterful storytellers, they have a huge catalogue of original music, and are currently recording their third and fourth album simultaneously.

Janine Garvey is a prolific songwriter, with hundreds of songs slated for recording, crossing countless boundaries and genres.

Eric Colliers’s musical arrangements and capabilities on stage combined with his smooth rich vocals will leave you with jaw dropping reverence.

Frustrated by being overlooked in the music industry for years, Janine was
compelled to write Singing My Lines.

Song writing and performing is not a choice for me; it’s ingrained in my soul. The melody flows within me, deeper than you’d ever believe.
Songs hit me in the middle of the night, when I wake up, in the shower, while I’m driving, even in the middle of gigging. I can’t ignore them and I won’t.

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